Coll el Cantó & La Trava

Coll el Cantó & La Trava

Deeper into Catalonia … I can’t help noticing that there are not many signs at all that I’m in Spain here. There are no Spanish flags, people even don’t speak Spanish but Catalan, which doesn’t make it easier to understand. I really hope...
Port d’Envalira & Port de Cabús

Port d’Envalira & Port de Cabús

The road up to the Port d’Envalira is always full, but today it seemed eben busier than usual. That’s despite the weather that did not quite invite for a stroll at 2400 m. It was cloudy and around 15° C most of the time. Good cycling weather with almost no...
Col d’Agnes & Port de Lers

Col d’Agnes & Port de Lers

The Col d’Agnes was first on the list this morning. With a steep start and an almost flat stretch at the top, it was rather unusual. Still, another 800 m elevation down in the books. The weather was overcast and stayed so all day but it was warm enoigh and...
Col de Portet d’Aspet, Col de la Core & Col de Latrape

Col de Portet d’Aspet, Col de la Core & Col de Latrape

After a night in the wild, while bears and wolves crept around my tent*, I ventured back onto the road and a downhill that was surprisingly less cold than expected at 8 a.m. After a bit of flat riding along the Ger river, I reached the start of the Col de Portet...
Col de Peyresourde, Col du Portillon, Col de Menté

Col de Peyresourde, Col du Portillon, Col de Menté

A quick 7 km / 700 hm uphill in the morning works better than any coffee 🙂 I went up the Col de Peyresourde not by the new main road but turned off half way up to take the old road via Peyragudes (supposedly also a pass, but not well marked). With the weather fairly...